
Building Self Esteem

Self-care was a concept I used to discuss with clients but never practice; it was not a priority for this busy girl. Other people, my career, my to-do list, and life interfered. Even if I was doing something for myself, it was coupled with my internal dialogue panicking about the time I was away from work, future tripping about what was to come, and never mindful of the moment. I was miserable and knew that an important component of my life was missing, real self-care.
In trying to deal with low self-esteem, focus on the positive. When doing that, we feel more positive, happier and self-assured, right? Our self-esteem is heightened when we are in a positive state of mind. Let's consider why it's been difficult to overcome low self-esteem. The likelihood is that past events or a current trigger has left your self-esteem low, which contributes to your current state of mind, which for many of us can be negative. The roots of your low self-esteem are not to be ignored, but for the purpose of moving into a happier mindset, let’s focus on the feelings you want to obtain today; happiness and higher self-esteem. By proactively shifting some of your negative behaviors and thoughts in the moment, you can increase your self-esteem tremendously and start to overcome low self-esteem.
This article discusses the characteristics of low self-esteem, symptoms, causes of low self-esteem, and how low self-esteem affects our overall mental health.
How self-esteem affects mental health conditions in adulthood and why developing healthy self-esteem is important in combating mental health conditions.
Do you assert yourself? Is your self-esteem suffering due to the inability to communicate you needs? Discover new assertiveness techniques that can help increase your self-esteem and confidence.
The terms self-esteem and self-confidence are often used interchangeably when referring to how you feel about yourself. Although they are very similar, they are two different concepts. It is important to understand their roles when looking to improve your overall sense of self.
Self-esteem boosters are a good way to begin your journey to building or improving your self-esteem. When you are feeling insecure, nervous, or lacking confidence and self-esteem in a situation, your body language reflects it. Remember the first day of school when you were growing up? Were the confident kids the ones looking down at their shoes, mumbling, and standing shrugging their shoulders? No, they were the ones who were smiling at you, inviting you to sit with them at lunch, and walking around the halls with a purpose. Think about how this plays out in adulthood. Do you walk around like the shy kid who gets pushed around in a crowded cafeteria, or the self-assured, student who has no problem raising her hand in class and making new friends?
Emily Roberts, MA, LPC, is known by many as The Guidance Girl. She is a trained psychotherapist, psychological consultant. She is also the author of Express Yourself: A Teen Girls Guide to Speaking Up and Being Who You Are. Her mission is to empower, inspire, and educate others. She is passionate about teaching her workshops about self-esteem and self-confidence. Her experience in private practice, academic settings and hospital settings helped her develop programs and workshops for children and adults of all ages, which focus on loving yourself and feeling your best. As an expert in the” millennium generation”, she frequently speaks to parents and schools on cyberbullying and technology related issues, as well as lectures on developing self-esteem and empowerment.