
Online Psychological Tests

The following are some useful online psychological screening tests. You'll find online psychological tests for:

These online psychological tests are for your entertainment and possibly educational use only and do not replace in any way a formal psychiatric evaluation. Remember for a diagnosis, you need to contact a licensed mental health professional.


Are You Being Emotionally Abused?
Are You Being Physically Abused?
Is Your Relationship Hazardous to Your Well-Being?
Violence Against Women Quiz


Addictiveness Test
Alcohol Assessment
Alcohol Checkup
Alcoholism Self-Test
You Got A Problem?
Social vs Problem Drinking
Someone Else's Drinking
Teens-Someone Else's Drinking
Gambling Online
Internet Addiction
Internet Addiction - Parent - Child
Internet Addiction - Partner's Test
Online Auction Addiction
Online Traders (Stocks, Commodities)
Sexual Addiction
Sexual Addiction - F
Sexual Addiction - M
Cybersex Addiction


Adult ADD Checklist
Adult ADD Test
ADD/ADHD Parent Test
ADD Subtype Test
Real (?) ADHD Screening Test


Anxiety Screening Test
Anxiety Disorder in Adolescents
Anxiety Disorders in Children:
A Test for Parents

Anxiety Disorders: Self-Test for Family Members
GAD Self-Test
OCD Screening Test
OCD Screening Test
OCD Self-Test
Yale-Brown Ob.-Comp. Scale
Panic Disorder Self-Test
Phobia Self-Test
PTSD Self-Test
Social Anxiety
Social Phobia Self-Test

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Screening Test
Mood Disorders Questionnaire
The Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale
Bipolar Inventory


Clinical Depression Screening
Goldberg Depression Questionnaire
Beck Depression Inventory
Depression Screening Test
Geriatric Depression Scale

Dissociative Disorder

Dissociative Experiences Scale
Screening Test Explanation

Eating Disorders and Weight

Eating Attitude Test
Body Image Test
Body-Image Problem?
Body and Self-Image Relationship
Body Mass Index Calculator
Scoff Eating Disorders Test
Eating Disorder Screening
Eating Disorders: Is Your Child at Risk?
Relative/Friend w/E.D?
Friend at Risk of Eating Disorder
Compulsive Overeaters Test
Self-Test for Compulsive Overeating
Are You Physically Fit?
Nutrition Assessment
Health and Fitness Calculator


Personal Intelligence Profile
Cerebrals Online Intelligence Tests
Creative Thinking IQ Test
Classic IQ Test
Mensa Workout
Majon's IQ Test
Daily IQ Test
Stupidity Test


Career Interest
Career Skills
Career Key - Skills Test
Coping Under Pressure
Entrepreneurial Quotient
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Healthy Lifestyle

Personality Tests

Balance Work/Personal Life
Big 5 Personality Test
Choose a Shape
Creativity Test
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Employee Profile Test
Enneagram Personality
Facts About Yourself
Hostility Level
Inner-Self Test
Jung-Myers-Briggs Typology
Kabbalerian (Your Name) Test
Keirsey Character Sorter
Keirsey Temperament Sorter
Leadership Test
Myers-Briggs Adaptation
Outta Control Test
Platinum Rule Behavior Test
Power-Do You Love It
Self-Assessment Personality Test
Self-Esteem Inventory
VALS Interactive Survey

Personality Disorders

Screening Test


Dating Patterns Analyzer
Do You Fight Fair?
Do You Ruin Relationships?
Fatal Attraction Test
Knowing Your Partner?
Love Test
Love Test II
Unhealthy Relationship
Which Guy Would You Fall For?

Sexual Health

Cybersex Addiction
Online Pregnancy Test
Are You A Sex God
Erectile Dysfunction Quiz
Sexual Addiction
Sexual Addiction - F
Sexual Addiction - M
Sexual Anxiety
Sexual Disorders - F
Sexual Disorders - M
Sexual Dysfunction
Sexual Health Quiz
Sexual Satisfaction Index
Sexuality Scale


Your Stress Scale
Distress Symptoms Evaluation
Vulnerability to Stress
Are You Burning Out?
Stress Management Self-Test
Stress Worksheet
Stress Balancing Strategies
Workaholic Test

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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, January 4). Online Psychological Tests, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, June 20 from

Last Updated: September 2, 2014

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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